Our Services

Property Maintenance

  • Lawn care
  • Landscaping
  • Snow removal
  • Salting
  • Asphalt patching
  • Line painting
  • Tuck pointing and other brickwork

Building Maintenance

  • Plumbing repairs
  • Electrical repairs
  • Roof leaks & replacement projects
  • HVAC repairs & replacement projects
  • Negotiating insurance and other contracts
  • Sprinkler inspections
  • Fire protection and inspections
  • Planning & design of maintenance program


  • Drawings
  • Quotations
  • Material acquisition
  • Labour
  • Management


  • Rent rolls
  • Banking & reconciliations
  • Reserve fund planning
  • Distressed property rehabilitation
  • Monthly status reports
  • Quarterly and annual reporting
  • TMI adjustments
  • Income and disbursements reports


  • Tenant screening
  • Rent increases
  • Lease negotiations
  • Renewal negotiations
  • Evictions and lockouts